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Support Handmade

I was able to participate in 7 different boutiques this season.
One thing I noticed was the lack of handmade items. So many booths had
retail jewelry, purses, clothes etc...
Which is fine but, since I make all of my own things I can appreciate the work that goes into
creating all of these fabulous products.
I found this great purse for my daughter for Christmas at one of the
boutiques. She loved it!

It is well made and was only $36.00!!
With all the classes and orders I have to make I don't have
the time to stop and make something like this.
It was worth it to me to buy it.

Here is a cute little wallet that she picked out to go with
the purse. It was cute and only $6.00!

I absolutely love these!!

My aunt used to send me her homemade washcloths every year
for Christmas. She has gotten older and hasn't been making them lately.
I picked these up at a boutique as well.
The round scrubber is a washcloth on one side and scrubber on
the other.

If you have not tried these you are missing out!
They are my favorite. The woman that made them was crocheting
behind her table as I bought them.
Let's support handmade!!
I will be setting up an Esty site soon.
More info. to come!


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