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Getting Organized

It's time. I have needed to do this for so long!
I am finally going to organize my scrap fabric. I have thought about it and wanted
to get it done but it has always been pushed down on the to do list.
That is until Noreen came over...
Noreen is a mom of one of my students. She stayed while I taught her daughter.
Noreen and I have something in common...we both can't sit still. I hate to do nothing!
So while I taught she so generously helped me fold 4 boxes of fabric scraps and color
co-ordinate them into 2 boxes!
Thank you Noreen!! I so appreciate the help.
A nice, neat pile of brown fabric scraps.
I am doing the happy dance!

I even made a labels for these so I would know what they were without
having to search.

It just makes me happy :)

Now...what to do with all these fabric scraps?

I have a few ideas...any suggestions?


PumpkinPeters said…
Have you ever seen these: ? They are WONDERFUL!

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